Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

One Shot Zayn Malik (via @its1Dindonesia)


It was past midnight. Zayn said he’d be home before 11 o’clock. I heard keys rattling and the front door opened. Zayn stumbled in, laughing to himself.

“Hey gorgeous.” He said, trying to kiss me. His breath reeked of alcohol, his eyes glossy. I pushed him away angrily.

“I can’t handle this anymore!” I cried, throwing my hands up in the air. Zayn had come home drunk. Again.

“Would you relax? I have to go on a world tour in only a few months, I’m going to go out and have fun! You’re overreacting!” Zayn yelled back at me. I backed against the wall, feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

“I don’t mind if you go out and have good time, I just don’t want you coming home smashed! You don’t make the same decisions when you’re drunk. For all I know you could’ve been cheating on me every night for the past week!” He slammed his hands on the wall, beside both sides of my face.

“You know that’s absolute bullshit! I would never hurt you like that!” He shouted in my face. I closed my eyes, letting the sobs escape my lips. He sighed, letting his hands drop from the wall.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered, pulling me into his arms. I cried against him while he rubbed my back, kissing the top of my head.

I paced around my lonely flat. Zayn and I had broken up months ago but I still couldn’t get over him. I curled up on the sofa in the lounge staring at the black television. Nothing was the same without him. He broke up with me the day after our worst fight. He wanted to take a break while he prepared for his world tour.

Today was the day he would be heading to the airport to fly to America. I couldn’t sleep without his strong arms around me. I couldn’t do anything. I had tried so many times to pick up the phone to call but hung up before he could answer. I knew that if I heard his voice I’d break. I walked slowly over to the stereo in the corner of the lounge. The CD Zayn had made for me on our first date was still in its blue case. I put the shining disc into the stereo and turned the volume higher. Each song that played crushed me harder than the first. Each lyric trying to push the sobs out of my chest. I stopped fighting and let them come. I burst into sobs, laying on the floor. My face was wet, my body shaking relentlessly. I never let the emotions come through and now they were pouring out, full force.

“I miss you so much.” I whispered, wrapping my arms around myself. The empty minutes dragged on. The CD had long ended. I pulled myself off the floor, walking to the toilet. My eyes were red and swollen. I shook my head. I wasn’t going to let this happen. I wasn’t going to cry over him. I sprinted to my room checking the time. 3:26 PM. I took off my tear stained shirt, putting on a white tee. I slipped into some sweats, putting my runners on while I reached for my keys. I drove as fast as I could, not caring about the speed limit. I had to make it. I squealed to a stop at the airport entrance, throwing my door open, leaving the car on. I sprinted through the crowds of people. I was running out of time; precious time. I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I tried to push past the lines of people. I wasn’t going to make it. I turned the corner of the terminal, running as fast as my legs could carry me. At the very end of the hall I saw the familiar black suitcase rolling towards the boarding door. The tears pooled over and streamed down my face.

“ZAYN!” I screamed, my voice echoing through the airport. People turned around startled. I pushed past them, praying he had heard me.

“ZAYN!” I shouted again, still running. He turned around quickly, looking for the voice. I skid to a stop when I finally saw his face. He hadn’t shaved and his dark stubble decorated his face. His deep brown eyes were tired and they widened when he saw me. His jaw dropped, his bags falling to his sides. We ran to each other, pushing through the crowds of people. I leaped into his arms, putting my face into his neck.

“I can’t go on without you, I just can’t!” I sobbed, wrapping my legs around his waist. Tears ran down his face as he smashed his lips against mine. I inhaled his faint cologne, running my fingers through his hair. He pulled away, his soft voice trembling.

“I will never leave you again. I promise. I love you so much.” Zayn whispered, pressing his lips to mine once again.

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